1-4 April 2025
Planet Hollywood 
Las Vegas, NV

Be an exhibitor and sponsor at the national educational program by dialysis technicians • for dialysis technicians

Dialysis Tech ConneXion is NANT’s annual event providing excellent opportunities for exhibitors to connect with our NCT and NBT participants.


Technicians need contact hours for recertifications ‐ whether or not they can come to Las Vegas. DTX includes booths and increased exposure on www.DialysisTech.NET for year‐round exposure.  

With our Hands-On Sessions being such an attendee and exhibitor favorite, we brought them back this year. Our Hands-On sessions will take place the first afternoon of our conference.  We have room for 21 sessions, each limited to 25 participants.  Each session will be presented 4 times. This year, each session is expanded to 30 minutes with a 10-minute break between each session. DTX42 Sponsors at the $4K level or more can provide a Hands-On Session.  You will be able to present one topic which will repeat four times.  There will be a limit of 25 participants per session - and they will be registered in advance.  DEADLINE for submitting your session topic is November 15, 2024

Every technician who attends DTX42 in person but can’t get to all the sessions to earn the maximum number of contact hours can still access DTX42 on demand after April 25. The gateway to these contact hours will include your company name and preferred link.  This is your opportunity to reach all the participants whether they are live or on demand.DTX

  • ENGAGE Live in Las Vegas

  • EXPAND Your Customer Base

  • EXTEND Your Company Reach with More Visibility on WWW.DIALYSISTECH.NET

  • ENHANCE Your Company ConneXions with the BEST of Dialysis Community

Click here to download the complete Exhibitor Prospectus for sponsorship opportunities, exhibit details, and more information about NANT.

Ready to sign up?  Click here to submit an Exhibit & Sponsor application.

Contract and Payment Deadline: 10 Janurary 2025


DTX41 Exhibitors 

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