

There are many NANT Chapters across the United States.  To find your local chapter you may look through posted meetings on this page or scroll down and view our list of chapter locations. If you are interested in starting your own chapter of NANT, please see below for ideas - and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more help and advice.

 NANT Chapter Locations

NANT has chapters throughout the United States, including New York City, North Texas, and Baltimore.  More chapters are starting every month!

Creating a NANT Chapter

The first thing you need to do to start a chapter is to find two friends, have each of you join as a full NANT member, and then start recruiting other members.

Helpful New Chapter Documents

Chapter Affairs Contacts

Need help with your Chapter or ideas for your next meeting? Please contact our Chapter Development Board Member, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or our President-Elect, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for any assistance.


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