NANT Position Statement on the Recognition and Support of Three Credentialling Programs for Dialysis Technicians

Approved by the NANT Board of Directors 22 April 2001

NANT supports the development of a standard national program of education and training for dialysis patient care technicians, preferably in a formal setting, with standardized competency testing and with annual continuing educational requirements. NANT recognizes a distinction between the patient care aspects of dialysis and the technical elements of the treatment, which include equipment maintenance, water treatment, and dialyzer reuse. With regard to the latter, NANT believes that such individuals must be provided with appropriate training, or have sufficient experience, with standardized competency testing with regard to their responsibilities. NANT agrees to promote standards for education of all practitioners as a means to achieve quality of care.

The National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists (NANT) strongly urges patient care technicians, dialysis technologists and biomedical technicians and technologists to pursue certification by a nationally recognized testing organization. NANT believes that the term, "certification", should be reserved for voluntary private sector programs that attest to the competency of individual health professionals. NANT recognizes three credentialing programs for dialysis technicians. Each of these programs is designed to measure different levels of competency.

The Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC) offers the Certification for Clinical Hemodialysis Technicians (CCHT). A joint task force of the NANT and the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) initiated the development of this exam. Technicians are eligible to take the CCHT exam with a suggested minimum of 6 months experience in nephrology technology. The NNCC CCHT exam measures cognitive levels in four dialysis practice areas, clinical (50%), technical (23%), environmental (15%) and role (12%). NANT recognizes the CCHT examination as a valid measure of basic competency for hemodialysis patient care technicians.

The Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology (BONENT) offers an examination for Hemodialysis Technician Certification, leading to the Certified Hemodialysis Technician (CHT) designation. Technicians are eligible to take the CHT exam with a minimum of 12 months experience in nephrology technology. The BONENT Hemodialysis Technician Certification Examination measures technical proficiency in five major domains of practice and tasks performed in the scope of hemodialysis technology: patient care (65%), machine technology (10%), water treatment (5%), dialyzer reprocessing (5%) and education/personal development (15%). NANT recognizes the CHT examination as a valid measure of technical proficiency for all hemodialysis technicians.

The National Nephrology Certification Organization (NNCO) offers two examinations: Clinical Nephrology Technology, leading to the Certified in Clinical Nephrology Technology (CCNT) designation and Biomedical Nephrology Technology, leading to the Certified in Biomedical Nephrology Technology (CBNT) designation. Technicians are eligible to take the CCNT and CBNT exams with a minimum of 12 months experience in nephrology technology.

The Clinical Nephrology Technology examination measures knowledge in four major areas: principles of dialysis (25%), machine preparation and operation (20%), patient assessment (20%) and treatment (35%). NANT recognizes the CCNT examination as a valid measure of current competence in the specialized area of practice of patient care hemodialysis technicians.

The Biomedical Nephrology Technology examination measures knowledge in six major areas: principles of dialysis (25%), scientific concepts (15%), electronic applications (10%), water treatment (20%), equipment functions (20%) and environmental/regulatory issues (10%). NANT recognizes the CBNT examination as a measure of current competence in the specialized area of practice of biomedical hemodialysis technicians.

NANT encourages technicians to earn certification from the appropriate independent credentialling organization. Technicians should contact their preferred credentialling organization directly for more information about the examination and credentialling process. Please see the next page for contact information for each of these programs.

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