NANT has on-demand contact hours 24/7. We have enough for all your recertification credits for BONENT and NNCC! Looking for contact hours for recertification? Check out the NANT Learning Library.


ASDIN and NANT offer Free Vascular Access Webinars


ASDIN March 13

These one hour webinars will be offered every other month.  Through the generosity of ASDIN and NANT, these continuing education webinars are offered free of charge.

NANT is dedicated to the education of Dialysis Professionals

NANT promotes education and advances the professional role of the technician as an important member of the multidisciplinary team in delivering the highest quality of care to the chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient. It provides educational opportunities, represents the nephrology technology professionals in the regulatory and legislative arena, encourages the development of nephrology professionals in leadership roles, and achieves recognition for the contribution of the nephrology technology practitioners to the total care of the CKD patient.

The NANT Board continues to seek to better define roles and reflect the important contributions of nephrology technicians and technologists as they collaborate and assist with the CKD patient interdisciplinary team and provide skilled care.

To this end, NANT has determined that the terminology Nephrology Clinical Technicians (NCT) be used for technicians that deal directly with patients and Nephrology Biomedical Technologists (NBT) be used to refer to technologists that work with dialysis equipment.

This new terminology distinguishes nephrology technicians, previously referred to as Patient Care Technicians and acknowledges the biomedical technicians who do so much to keep the dialysis unit operating.

The previous terminology, Patient Care Technician (PCT), dialysis technician or simply technician does not acknowledge the specific field (nephrology), discipline (clinical and/or biomedical) and function (technician or technologist) of these individuals.

This change provides an acknowledgment, distinction, and specificity as it relates to both the Nephrology Clinical Technician (NCT) and Nephrology Biomedical Technologist (NBT) roles.

NANT members have shown a strong level of commitment to achieve national certification, and also to broaden their knowledge base afterward through continuing education. The NCTs and NBTs within our ranks remain strong candidates for positions of excellence within the nephrology industry.



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