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NANT Presents: DialysisTechConneXion41

NANT is pleased to present the only educational program designed BY technicians FOR technicians.

March 25 – 28, 2024 Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas

Click here to access your contact hour certificates 

Click HERE to see the Schedule at a Glance

YOU are the SPARK
Skilled * Passionate * Agile * Remarkable * Knowledgeable


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Brag badge – Right-click on this badge and include it in your emails and social media posts!

DTX41 is Multi-Access

There are two ways you can participate in DTX40 this year:

  • LIVE in Las Vegas – you can meet the best and the brightest involved in dialysis technology, our speakers, visit our Dialysis Solutions Center, participate in Hands-on Sessions and hear presentations live
  • On Demand – we are using a new Learning Library option this year. You can access all the sessions beginning Monday, April 8. There you can watch the presentations you couldn’t see live, earn contact hours once you have viewed your session(s), and access your personal page that will track which sessions you have already watched and earned credit.

There will be NO live streaming this year.


As NANT enters its 41st year, the DTX program committee spent time carefully reviewing the evaluation comments that the 400+ DTX40 participants submitted.  There were three key messages:

  • Technicians love having the key medical officers, nurses and technical leaders – but they also want to make sure that there are technicians on the stage.
  • Technicians must equip themselves to engage and lead in all areas of healthcare – it is a matter of solidarity with one goal in mind – the wellbeing of all our patients.
  • Technicians want to meet the best and the brightest of their colleagues – because that’s who attends DTX!  Our Hands-on Sessions on Monday afternoon after our opening speaker will enable you to meet other technicians who are interested in the same mini-topics as you are.  Once you’ve spent time at a hands-on session, you’ll know people not from your region or company – and that’s the magic of attending DTX.

Want to attend?  You ma y have access to educational funding by your company.  Ask your supervisor.  
DOWNLOAD this letter that details why you should participate in this important educational program.



NEW schedule format - the conference begins on Monday March 25 at 1 pm and ends at noon on Thursday, March 28





Networking Opportunities

The heart of DTX41 is networking. We have several ways you can network with your peers, colleagues, and friends:

  • Hands-on Sessions on Monday – these small (no more than 20 to a session) sessions will help you get to know other technicians interested in the same topics      you are – and you’ll be able to learn from the presenter and each other.  Best of all – you will earn contact hours by attending these sessions. 

These sessions are INCLUDED in your full registration.  They can NOT be purcharsed individually.

  • Tuesday Luncheon – NEW THIS YEAR NANT is providing lunch the first full day of the conference – take the opportunity to meet new people or spend some time with the people you met the first afternoon of the conference.
  • Dialysis Solutions Center Opening Reception – see your friends you haven’t seen in a while, find out what is new in dialysis technology products and find friends to have dinner with Tuesday night
  • Wednesday Networking Lunch in Dialysis Solutions Center – here’s your opportunity to visit with speakers, exhibitors and colleagues to discuss what you’ve learned and to share experiences
  • Thursday Networking Breakfast – your last chance to interact with your old and new friends, ensure that you have their phone number and email, and talk through what you learned that you can take back to your unit on Monday.

Dialysis Solutions Center

The DTX41 Dialysis Solutions Center is where you will find manufacturers of key dialysis technician equipment, from water treatment, dialysis machines, vascular access, patient chairs, test strips, supplies, and more. It is also where you can find the talent attraction staff from major dialysis providers and the two dialysis technician certification boards.


DTX41 will be THE gathering of dialysis technology professionals.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to meet top level dialysis technicians from throughout the United States.

Download our DTX41 Exhibitor Brochure. Make your reservation online for your booth or you can complete the form on page 13 and mail it with your check.


Make your reservation at the Tropicana Hotel

Reserve your room at the Tropicana Hotel now! Sleeping room rates are $105 for a single or double room from Sunday, March 24 – Thursday, March 28. There is also a $25 resort fee, 13.38% hotel occupancy tax per night, plus state sales tax of 8.375%.

Please make your reservations by Wednesday, February 28 to ensure you can reserve a room at this special DTX41 rate.


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